Fantastic. I loved the different animation styles you used, and you all clearly put a lot of effort into making this, when you could have easily just resorted to reaction faces or whatever else passes off as "satire" on this site. The ability to view the original strip before each scene played was a nice touch (I can't believe there was an actual strip where he just sleeps).
I especially like the tone you guys chose. I can easily see someone mistaking this for a HI-LARIOUS tribute instead of a subtle deconstruction of Jim Davis's "humor". Honestly, Jim Davis is one on a long list of cartoonists I can't believe have achieved and maintained the success they have. So many funnies cartoonists seem to think that they can put ANYTHING at the end of a comic strip and expect the audience to laugh simply because most assume the punchline is at the end. It's just like canned laughter in shitcoms. The viewer thinks: "I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to laugh HA....HA....HA..." You have to hand it to guys that try to go against the slow--and-often-unnecessary-build-up-
to-so-called-punchline grain like Richard Thompson and Bill Griffith (who often try to spread the laughs to multiple panels) or even guys who cut the crap and use one panel gags like Gary Larson or Tony Carillo.
Am I wrong in thinking the Beavis and Butthead parody was more of a Mike Judge parody? Because it sounded to me like the guy voicing Jon was trying to do his best Hank Hill impression. Could be just my imagination though.
I don't usually write reviews this long, but this really got me going. Thanks again, fellas. Favorited.